Our Creator Knows What You Need Before You Ask!

first fruit

Our Father in Heaven!
[We who pray must know our Creator as ABBA Father.] Such knowledge speaks about a close relationship between our Creator and ourselves.

May your Name be kept holy.
[Everything about God, His Word and His Identity speaks about boundaries which clearly divide that which is holy from that which is profane.]

May your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.
[The Good News throughout all eternity is found in the identity and role of Jesus as God’s Son who implemented a new era,the Kingdom of Heaven, the first visitation as well as His next coming.]

Give us the food we need today.
[This speaks to the promise that our Creator will give us our daily portion as we maintain our commitment to our covenant relationship in His economy.]

Forgive us what we have done wrong, as we too have forgiven those who have wronged us.
[In the Kingdom of Heaven, the on-going need for each follower is the daily practice of repentance. This discipline is paramount in keeping one’s heart pure before the Lord.]

And do not lead us into hard testing, but keep us safe from the Evil One.
[Trials, testings and tribulations throughout one’s life-time journey with Messiah, shall produce the spiritual character of Christ and produce maturity of one’s faith.]

For Kingship, power, and glory are yours forever.
[This speaks about the sovereignty of our Creator within all of His creation. It equally identify His eternal promises for those whom are part of His Kingdom in this life, and the life to come.]
Matthew 6:10-13
This translation of The Lord’s Prayer or The Disciple’s prayer is taken from the Complete Jewish Bible


Grace and Peace
