God Sells A House


Acts 14:17

Yet He did not leave Himself without witness, in that He did good and gave you rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying your hearts with food and gladness.

The above scripture speaks about the Creator’s divine initiative to reveal Himself to His created order in anyway He desires as one of many ways that His providential care for all living on earth serves as a witness for His existence.  Just as we all have most recently, experienced a “Rainy 2015 Christmas here in Georgia,” He gave us all the rains from heaven throughout out the seasons which was done for our Good! How so?

As He permit the rains to fall upon the earth, the impact of this provisional care:

  • Produce foods from crops.
  • Puts moisture in the air.
  • Helps with droughts.
  • It fills streams.
  •  It washes away dirt from plants.
  • It provides moisture for every living thing.
  • It cools the temperature if hot.
  • It continues with the beneficial water cycle.
  • It produces rainbows.

While there are many other purposes that rain offers us on earth, like it assist worms to move around the soil which aerates the ground, or it can make worms and other insects come out which provide food for birds, I would never thought the rain could Sell A House! The following true story was written by Kay Bredder [pictured above], who I decided to feature in this week’s First Fruits Perspectivehttps://www.facebook.com/First-Fruits-Perspectives-487225171447417/

God Sells A House

In the summer of 2001, I felt God directed me to get my house ready to sell. I had the oil tank removed and hired someone from my church to do repairs. In the spring, the exterior of the house was painted and a new driveway installed.

Another project was to complete the patio and garden that my son Brett had started prior to leaving for California. The patio was installed but topsoil was needed to complete the garden area. Though I requested the soil to be delivered to the patio, four yards were  delivered onto the new driveway! What a mess! Two days later, the forecast called for strong strong storms-that dirt had to be moved. After work I began, with my little wheelbarrow and its almost flat tire, to move the dirt. All four years were moved in only one and one-half hours! I had prayed, in the name of Jesus, that the Lord would keep me energized and keep the rain away. Both prayer were wonderfully answered!

The rain held off until I cleaned up and left to visit family for the evening, then it rained so hard my driveway had a “heavenly power-wash!” And though there was tightness in my back and shoulders that evening, the next morning I was perfectly fine!

May 2002 was not supposed to be a “renter’s market” in New Jersey, yet there was the ad for an apartment for a single, mature woman. When I visited, this apartment was perfect-but I had to confess that my house was not even on the market. My landlord-to-be said “I’ll wait.”

June brought the realtor and within three days, the house sold. God had provided this home for me twenty-four years ago when I was a single mom with three children. Now He was providing for another single mom with three children!

I am very content in my new surroundings and look forward to serving the Lord.

Glory to God

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Grace and Peace

Alonzo E. Thornton