Being Pursued by Goodness and Mercy!

Which way to Go 010


The Lord my God is my shepherd. For often-times I am weak and unaware of what dangers will befall me on this my life-journey. As is the case throughout my life with Messiah, I am in need of His protection and guidance. How I so desire this also for you, your family and those whom you care for.

Because of Him, I lack nothing. As I abide in all of His provisions as opposed to all the things that I believe I deserve and or want. I am always reminded by Him that the things of this world are only temporal, learning to eat and drink of the things of the Kingdom, sustains one’s soul in this life, and the Life to Come. He has me lie down in grassy pastures. He leads me by the very quiet water, He restores my inner most being. In essence, what does it truly mean to only gain that what the world has, yet abort our responsibility to tend to our soul-care or forfeit maximize living? Only you and I can correctly answer this question.

As my Lord guides me in the right paths, for the sake of His own Holy Name. Those who are committed to the faith, should use great caution not to defame nor take His Holy Name in vain.  Even if my travels take me through death, dark ravines, I will fear no disaster, for He is there with me, His rod and staff reassure me. Those unwanted, unplanned catastrophic events that are assigned to us-if they do not kill us, they will reshape and remake us  to become what it was that the Master has already planned.

He has prepared a table for me, even as my enemies watch from afar; sometimes evil, misfortune, lost and pain seek me out, only for a season, only to confirm where my true alliance lie. The very worse lost and pain that I most recently experienced is from not an enemy, but from one whom I loved, who was within my inner-circle! My heart forever longs only to please His Will thus  my head is anointed with oil from an overflowing cup. Personal inner-healing is extremely  important when our souls encounter damage, pain and neglect.

Goodness and Grace will pursue me every day of my life; and I will live in the house of my Lord for years and years to come.  [Modified version of Psalms 23]

Grace and Peace

Pray much for me as I will pray for you as well!

Brother Alonzo E. Thornton