One Year Anniversary of my published Book
Win your free copy, details below!
Last year, May 28, 2015, I released my first manuscript, Suffering With Dignity: The Pathway To Ultimate Shalom, In a unique way to celebrate this most important event in my life, I am looking for you to write your own story.
Over three hundred people; family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, as well as those whom I have not yet met, blessed me in my efforts, by reading my book. I pray that in some small way, their lives were touched by at least one truth, or inspiration that was recorded in this manuscript, assisting them and their family while enduring their own difficult times. To celebrate this anniversary, I want to hear from you! How?
Submit your own story to me of how God has assisted you through a most difficult trial, testing, temptation, or major catastrophe. Write about how your faith, your family/friends/neighbors, aided you/or not during this time. Speak about your doubts, fears and potential lack of faith and other emotional, spiritual and or financial challenges you endured. Please include any spiritual disciplines/rituals that were helpful in you keeping your faith strong during this time. Feel free to enter your favorite Biblical verses, stories and other extra-Biblical books that provided you with wisdom, knowledge and inspiration toward your eventual victory.
Awards. I will select the top three manuscripts with the winners receiving a personally signed autographed Free Copy of my book. They also will have the opportunity to have their story retold in my blog: First Fruits Perspective:
Guidelines for Submissions
- Typewritten submissions. All submissions will be emailed to me: Please use this address to ask any questions concerning this contest. In the subject section of your email, write: Tell Us Your Story
- Title page. [Give your story a title] On this title page, please include your name and your email address.
- On page one, [this is to follow the title page] write a short autobiographical sketch of yourself. You may submit an appropriate photograph of yourself if desired.
- On the back page, please submit your mailing address only if your story has been selected as one of the three winners.
- Manuscripts can be between 8-12 pages in length single spaced.
- All submissions must be proof-read for errors and grammatically sound to be considered. Once submitted, First Fruits Perspective will keep your submission/not returning it. Your submission is just for consideration for this contest only. If author wishes to copyright their submission, please do so.
- In an effort to protect the privacy of those in your submission, please use first names only, or fictional names. If you decide to use actual names in your submissions, please indicate this in your introduction of your story.
- Winning Submissions that desire their story to be featured in my blog, First Fruits Perspective may slightly modify your print in an effort to fit your story within the context of a selected major Biblical or theological theme for that blog. All modifications will be noted and resubmitted to you the author, before final submission of the blog.
- Dead-line: All submissions must be in by June 30, 2016. The three winners will be selected on July 4, 2016.
Happy Writing
Writing is an apprenticeship that leads to soul, to self.
It involves digging deeply into territory that we keep hidden,
Not only from others,
But even more dangerously from ourselves.
-Catherine Bauer-
Grace and Peace
Alonzo E. Thornton