“Make wisdom [sophia] your provision for the journey from youth to old age,
for it is a more certain support than all other possessions.”
-Diogenes Laertius-
Wisdom [sophia], The Knowledge and Practice of the Requisite for Godly and Upright LivingĀ
All the earth’s atmosphere call aloud for Wisdom,
for she must be heard in all the public and private places;
she calls out on every street-corner,
speaking very so boldly at each entrance…,
to every city gates worldwide:
“How long, you whose lives have no purpose, will you linger in thoughtless living?
Is there an ending to the scorners pleasure in mocking?
Will the foolish soul continue to hate knowledge?
Are you able to personally, call into question, the consequences of one’s own way;
being overtaken constantly by one’s schemes?
For only darkness will be your constant companion,
those who are devoid of the fear of their Creator.
Each step that is taken will be aimless,
thoughtless, thus destine to lead to self-destruction.
Oh! Sophia beckons for all of humanity to consider the Word of the Most High,
Let His life-changing Words take up residence within your heart.
Pay attention to Wisdom while inclining one’s thoughts, actions and deeds toward understanding.
For the Lord our God gives wisdom to whom ask,
it is from His Mouth that absolute Knowledge and Understanding comes.
He stores up common sense for the upright. Who are the upright ones?
They are only those who wisely live humbly before their Creator,
who possess both perfection and corrected imperfections, while serving humanity on earth.
For common sense has become their shield to each soul whose conduct is blameless,
in order to protect the courses of justice and preserve the path of those faithful to Him.
Only then will righteousness, justice, fairness and every good path be fully understood.
For Wisdom, she will inhabit your heart,
knowledge will be enjoyable for your soul,
discretion will be your constant companion and discernment will protect you in all you do.
The doorstep to the Temple of Wisdom is a Knowledge to Our Own Ignorance.
-Charles H. Spurgeon-
The above content was inspired, gleaned and paraphrased by the author, from the Book of Proverbs 1:20-22; Proverbs 1:6-11. May the Holy Spirit of our Creator bless each soul that part-takes in the reading of this work.
May this blog post somehow be a eternal blessing to those who read it, where ever you are on your current journey. The wisdom and knowledge of this world will never bring ultimate satisfaction to the material nor immaterial nature of our soul-life.
Satisfaction is only possible in the care and Mighty Hands of our Creator. Thus we are better served while here on earth, to ask faithful, of the Father, that He will grant each of us spiritual wisdom and knowledge. We all have far greater meaning and purpose than that which we could possibly humanly fathom. For He is faithful and swift in granting our request in His effort at aiding and enabling each soul to live and enjoy this brief life to it’s fullness. Amen
Grace and Peace!
Alonzo E. Thornton