I had the opportunity to visit and attend the introduction to a weekend seminar on Book of Revelation entitled A Messianic Jewish Look at the Book of Revelation. In this introduction to the book of Revelation, Torah Club author D. Thomas Lancaster [pictured below] opens up the genre of Jewish apocalypse to take a glimpse of this, one of the most difficult Books in the Holy Scriptures.
Those who were able to make the initial teaching, was blessed with just an appetizer of what will be, on tomorrow, an all day educational and spiritual encounter. I will present either a video and or additional blog on an overview of this very unique and insightful learning experience for your consideration.
Tonight’s attendance was wonderful as the seminar attendees were welcomed by Rabbi Ryan Lambert and his very loving members of the Tikvat David Messianic congregation located in Roswell, Georgia. http://tikvatdavid.com/
This weekend’s educational Revelation Seminar was hosted by First Fruits of Zion, http://ffoz.org/
Please remember this reality, from me to you and your’s:
What ever you or your family are now facing, for how ever long you and your family have battled with these matters, you are not alone! Others like yourself, are often-times in far worst condition than you and your household. Please be forever faithful in your faith in Messiah and His finished work. You are Loved and never Forgotten!
A great Rabbi stated these thoughts: “Suffering does not redeem; it only makes one worthy of redemption; for the purpose of redemption is to initiate an age in which “those who err in spirit will come to understanding, and those who murmur will accept instruction.” Gleaned from the most wonderful reading of the book entitled, The Prophets, written by Abraham J. Heschel, page 94.
Grace and Peace
Alonzo E. Thornton, D.Min.
In loving support and eternal fellowship with: http://www.thesourceoftruelife.com/