The Righteous and Just God accepts into His Kingdom only those who are:
Forsaken, He cures only those who are,
Sick, giving sight only to those who are,
Blind, He restores life to only the,
Dead, while sanctifying only the,
Sinners, thus giving wisdom only to the,
Unwise fool!
Gleaned from my reading of Martin Luther’s, “The Seven Penitential Psalms.”
How To Engage into the Presence of God
For the forsaken; the sick, blind, dead, the sinners and the unwise fool, there is hope after all in this life! Whether you believe in God or not, there are eternal truths that are universally absolute that operate by God’s will rather than the human source. The eternal covenants of God are just one of many such examples. God has established covenants that are binding for all eternity that He and He alone shall/ has accomplished with all living souls at the very central of His heart and desire.
Our Creator has bestowed His mercy onto those who are wretched while granting His unmerited favor [grace] only to those who are uncovered and are without mercy. The multitude of those souls who are proud, the wise and just souls, will not engage in the presence of God without an arrested heart and a renewed spirit. Without this must inner-transformation, souls will not be selected and used by God for His goals and glory here on earth.
The very basic reason for each soul being born on earth is to acknowledge and later, learn to worship God in all that one does in life. Without a daily encounter with our Creator, each soul is guided by his/her’s self-interest, ambition, lust, and desires. In my personal opinion, this natural tendency is the dominate reason for Fear! It is only through learning to encounter God can each soul learn just how to please God, based upon His standards and guidelines. The entirety of all Scriptures, each soul is noted as being challenged in many seen and unseen ways to acquire a genuine saving faith system as the foundation of their spiritual orientation and worldview.
How Can Souls Stand Before a Holy God Without Being Condemned?
In our today’s culture, the hidden powers have successfully systemically constructed an anti-Christ agenda that has the appearance of winning the battle against the Kingdom of God. The heart of this contest is the removal of moral absolutes and the centrality of the Biblical theology of The Gospel Message. Another post- modern worldview is that everyone can be and live any way they desire, another way to state this is, everyone can determine what is moral and what is not. In a word, each person is a god in their own world! If this is, in fact, the actual case, the fundamental question that begs to be asked is, how can each soul stand before a Holy God without being condemned?
Our culture and each soul today must be challenged by a higher moral authority than humanity if the matters relating to the Law of sin and death are to be appropriately addressed and dealt with while many souls still live in current fallen spiritual conditions. This matter of Faith in which the Holy Scriptures communicates is not human faith; intellect, knowledge, ability, or the entire world systems. None of which will suffice the moral requirements of God toward the issue of the complete eradication of the sin issue within each lost soul and corruption in all nature.
Theology of The Cross of Jesus The Messiah
Living souls and nature are currently condemned in the face of a Holy God. What is the only antidote? Spiritual revelation by the Holy Spirit of God of the only God-given plan of soul regeneration which produces faith, spiritual and material blessings in this life and the eternal life to come. It is only when each living soul encounters God for themselves that they learn God’s plan for salvation, and only then will this revelation become the impetus for desiring to please and worship God out of obedience and love.
This matter of saving faith is obtained via seeing that each soul salvation is not based upon human works or efforts, it is due to the finished works of the Crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah. The Cross of Messiah is the fundamental mystery that causes either ultimate freedom and justification for some, while it becomes the major stumbling block for the masses.
Those who seek and find absolute truth in God learn that their newfound life is not in themselves but in Messiah the granter of spiritual regeneration due to His actions on the cross. I am not cursed because Christ was cursed on my behalf. I will not be without power over the law of sin and death because Christ overcame both the spiritual and physical laws governing both realities. My new life is now fully based upon that which God granted to all living souls through Christ and the mystery of the Cross as the spiritual liberation of souls and nature in a fallen earth.
Fear Not
In closing, our Creator has promised that He will give those who delight in pleasing and worshipping Him, everything they need, that He shall not withhold any good thing from those who seek after Him as they learn to fear Him. [Pss 34:9; 84:11]
Those who wish to please our Creator, pray each day that God shall apply His Grace, Spirit, and Peace in our lives, assisting in each of us learning to trust that all of His promises will be at our disposal when needed, and the world systems, all the evil and fear will not cause any of us to lose our first Love.
[Personal commentary and theological application of Galatians 1:1-10]
Grace and Peace
Alonzo E. Thornton, D.Min.