Courage: The Lovely Virtue

courage [noun]

The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.

For me, there is no one who clearly defines the very basic definition of the word “courage” than Dr. Jyotsna Talapaneni.  On today, the GI Endoscopy treatment team at Gwinnett Medical Duluth presented Dr. Talapaneni with a very special gift and card, signed by our department and the surgical department. We all expressed our love and support for her and her family on the transition of her husband a week or so ago.  Our continued prayer and support is with you and your family!

Over the last three years or so, we all have been blessed as well as humbled by her willingness to trust us in “sharing in with her,” the step by step nature of her journey of her husband’s faithful fight with cancer. Trust me on this, if there every is anyone deserving of “The Most Courageous Award” for this year,  it is Dr. Talapaneni! She has my vote.

I think that I can speak for everyone that I am blessed to work by each day, that we all love Dr. Talapaneni very much as we all have been there for her in our own way throughout her ordeal. Thank each team member for being so special and loving for her, as we do our very best to be there for each other each day of our own personal journey.

It takes courage to live-

courage and strength and hope and humor.

And courage and strength and hope and humor have to be bought

and paid for with pain and work and prayers and tears.

-Jerome P. Fleishman-

Grace and Peace

Alonzo E.Thornton