Let every human heart that I have created forsake their evil ways which negatively impacts thoughts of unrighteousness in your mind. I am and always have been here for you, please consider returning back to Me! For it is only I who will have mercy on you in your undesirable condition, thus only I have the authority to free you and grant you pardon.
Let this be known from this moment until the end of this evil age, My thoughts are not like your, neither are My ways like that of yours, for I am the Lord of Host.
As My abode is that of the Heavens, the earth is my footstool by-which you reside, so it is with My ways and thoughts in comparison to your ways and thoughts. [paraphrase of Isaiah 55:7-9 by author]
Come, my Children, listen to Me; I will teach you the Fear of the Lord. Psalms 34:11
Grace and Peace
Alonzo E. Thornton