Serenity Within a Discontented Culture

There will be a time in your life, where regardless of what you do, how well you do it, and the noble rationale of why you do it, will not be pleasing to some, or it is not enough for the many. Every person’s character is on display both in the darkness of night and in the light of day.  If there is ever is the need for the overflowing and life-changing power of the Love of God upon His people, now is that time!

There are simply three human conditions that to me, are the quintessential embodiment of Messiah’s love for us in a time where there are so much unhappiness and emptiness in people’s  lives where many are not content with what they possess. These conditions are being Chose, being Accepted, and being United.

The love of God transcends all time as we know it as His very limited and finite creatures yet, it is His hesed [His loving-kindness ] that is the only thing that unites our often divided souls, which disables us to experience the benefits of true peace and contentment. To experience serenity within a discontented culture, one must see that:

  • You were created thus Chosen from eternity to have and maintain an intimate daily relationship with our Creator regardless of what nation, tribe, or culture that you were born in or currently live in.
  • If there is truth in this above statement, I challenge you to test God by becoming Accepted at this current time by learning to encounter His person, presence, and purpose for you in the time that you have been alotted.
  • The evidence of the power and presence of God in your life will be demonstrated by you Being United for eternity. Though this is a condition to come, it is also a very present condition at this time as well.  For those who encounter The Messiah in this time, in essence, have entered into eternity, for He has promised to never leave nor forsake you. Hebrew 13:5

[Aspects of the three human conditions above were gleaned from the readings of Bonhoeffer “Through and in Jesus Christ.”]

The blessed assurance of the love of God and His very help and presence in our lives is the very foundation by which one may draw from when you have experienced a new identity that is not forged by the traditions and trends of this world, but by the spiritual principles and laws concerning the Kingdom of God.

If in fact, one wishes for serenity in this culture, I know that it only comes when everything in word and deed, I do it all to the glory and power of my Lord. In this manner, I give thanks to my Creator and the only means in which that I may be able to experience eternity now and in the near future…in Christ. Amen

Grace and Peace