I wish to encourage each man, each father, each follower of The Master, that during this Father’s Day celebration, and the days which follows, to reexamine our very unique spiritual calling. Collectively, each man [each person] must resist the cultural pull of secular humanism at the horrifying possibility of forfeiting our divine purpose and calling in this age.
The below letter from My Heavenly Father was inspired by my re-reading Acts 17:24-30
My son, Alonzo,
It is I your Heavenly Father and not the earthly fathers who made the world and everything in it! For it is I, your Heavenly Father and not earthly lords who serve as the Lord of heaven and earth, for I am incapable to be contained in man-made temples.
The entirety of all of humanities hands are unable of serving My most simple needs-for I alone am without needs. For all breath, all life is granted by My will and delight-thus it is I and not a man who is able at satisfying every need.
Have you, my son forgotten that it is from one bloodline that all the nations throughout the earth come into existence? Was it not because of My foreknowledge that determined the rise and the fall of all nations upon My earth? Because I am Lord over creation, the boundaries of each nation were drawn by My hand!
Well before sin’s destructive impact upon all of My creation, let me reveal to you my son, my deepest desire. In all nations that have gone, are current, and are to come, I purpose that each would seek after and know Me in an intimate manner-for I Am who I must be in order to participate in My created order! I delight to be Immanuel-God with you, for I am not afar but desire to dwell within you.
You will be very wise my son if you draw these very words deep within your being; It is I alone that you live, move and exist, for you were created by My Will as My offspring within the earth. Never are you to attempt to be like a god, or for you to create your own gods in a manner that a very skilled craftsman designs idols from gold, silver, wood or stone.
Sound the alarm, my son, for the hour, is late as the earth has grown darker for I will not tolerate ignorance, pride nor loss of identity as an excuse, for I have set a day for judging this world with justice by the Anointed One from above.
Finally, if you know Me, worship Me by serving Me as a light in the darkness before all men, women, children as well as all nations. It is in this manner that you shall express a portion of My image in this age. This is your purpose for living, this is your calling and identity as a man, and finally, this is your commission where ever my Spirit will lead you.
Grace and Peace My son,
Adonai Elohim
[The Lord God]