A Personal Reflection, and Spiritual Analysis of Trusting in the Unseen
During Life’s Storms
Trusting is being confident of what we hope for, and convinced about things we do not see. It was for this that Scripture attested the merit of the people of old. Hebrews 11:1-2
Faith is interlaced with belief and great future expectations. It is where there is an unwavering, deep conviction within the soul, whereas its very existence is not predicated on the absence of concrete evidence.
Such assurance simply animates the individual into action, despite challenges and setbacks. The willful determination and perseverance of taking consistent steps toward one’s inflamed inner beliefs only increase the likelihood of realizing them into concreteness.
The spiritual nature of our human composition exposes for those who are wise, that there are far greater things in our living than selflife. We can travel further in this journey, not by how many steps we make, but by our inner discipline to just be still and fear God.
Purposeful and intentional prayer is the spiritual microscope that radiates pure heavenly light that disciplines the faithful one with the soul-craft ability to introspectively examine oneself. This is where authentic faith is forged, neither by human might nor means, but by the Spirit of God. This is the light that one uses for guidance and inspiration and not one’s circumstances.
“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.” – Unknown
After the Storms
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way. Still, the mountains are moved into the heart of the sea. Still, its waters roar and foam. Still, the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Psalm 46:1-3
It is by this faith, if not the blessed assurance that none of us if we are truly human beings, can expect to live exclusively in isolation. The crystallizing of faith requires community and the underpinning of many.
There is not no authentic Faith without the commonality of the interconnectedness of individuals and communities. This is the blessed safe place where we all willfully intervened in producing an additional seedbed of motivation, encouragement, and validation as God is working behind the scenes to turn our hopes into reality. Amen
“The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depths.” – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Grace and Peace
Brother Alonzo