Humility as Our Spiritual Compass

Within the short span of less than a week, I have witnessed up and in person, the very extreme warring fraction between two of this life’s greatest events, the gift of living in this life and fear and uncertainty of death of life as we know it. In my spiritual reflective time over the last two days, my concern and focus were redirected to what the very essence of this blog post wishes to communicate, just how do we successfully navigate between our living and our dying?

What is it about this life that on one end, it presents itself as a gift and a blessing, while often-times, at seemingly the very worst times, catastrophic events and circumstances in our lives, feel as curses in our neatly organized lifestyles? Just how are we to respond?

Each of us in one way or another, have been socialized if not conditioned to present and to demonstrate time and time again, a level of control and self-mastery of our lives and our moment by moment situations. None of this is essentially wrong nor uncommon to our human expression and lifestyle choices. What is of grave importance is how do we appropriately respond, interpreted and integrate the important life-changes lessons that presented to us when “Life Happens?” The answer that was presented to my spirit was the power of God’s, unconditional Love applied to our lives and our deaths!

True Love not only covers a multitude of sins within our lives, but it equally unmasks our self-deception of being in control of the very gift of Life and His Love that God granted us. It is because it is He who gives and takes life, that He purposefully, has ordained within our lives, the most effective way in teaching each of us humility as our spiritual compass on our journey.

My personal gift to each of you who have been faithful supporters to this year [and years past], is to encourage you and to welcome each of you to learn how to embrace all of life’s calamities as one of our Creator’s greatest gifts for our soul-care as we travel between being born in the earth and our eventual transition into eternality.

It is when disaster visits our lives that we quickly learn if not reflect on what truly matters in this brief time on earth. Trust me on this one, this gift of life is all about unconditional love that comes from God to each of us, and our willingness to openly share it with others.

One writer states that “Love cannot be forced, love cannot be coaxed and teased. It comes out of heaven, unasked and unsought.” In the very same vain, it has been quoted that “Love is an image of God, and not a lifeless image, but the living essence of the divine nature, which beams full of all goodness.”

In closing, it is God’s love that I pray that each of you seek after and embellish as your own, while giving and receiving the goodness that flows from one heart to another has we all travel this difficult road called life. May God continue to bless you and keep you and your household!

Grace and Peace